Why Does My Cat Follow Me To The Bathroom?

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Why Does My Cat Follow Me To The Bathroom

Cats in the history of human evolution have been living among humans even before they existed in Egypt. The evidence suggests that they can have been domesticated and have been an indispensable part of humans since more than 10,000 years ago and have been accounted to be first tracked in the Middle East.

Why Does My Cat Follow Me To The Bathroom?

This indicates that cats have been following us even before the establishment of civilization while making a major impact on our day-to-day lives. So being in the company of cats can make us feel less alone while creating a sense of comfort and friendship. Why Does My Cat Follow Me To The Bathroom is a question that reflects this historical companionship and the bond that has developed over millennia.

The studies, for instance, suggest that cats are more likely to follow us when they sense any alteration in our vibes. For instance, if we are feeling sad, depressed, low in energy and more. Oftentimes, we may not realise the negative energy surrounding us but cats have this ultra-scanning ability to sense them while making them follow us more often to neutralise the energies within us.

Mythological Perspective

As per our Indian mythology, vastushastra explains that the kitchen is the area with the main positive energy input while the bathroom/toilet has the negative energy output. This is the very reason why bathrooms in ancient times were built outside the main premises of the home. However, in this current modern time due to lack of space and comfort, it has become impossible for people to maintain the norms of Vastu to avoid the impact of those negative energies. Now, You can point out one of the major reasons for cats to follow us in the bathroom!

Protective Companions

Cats being our responsible companions ensure to protect us and help us neutralise our energies while helping us maintain that harmonious environment. Apart from this, there are hundreds of reasons flowing throughout the internet, answering our curiosity to this very question. For instance, out of many reasons I have shortlisted a few, which could be possible reasons apart from the one I mentioned earlier. This includes the following:

  • They seek your undivided attention: As a matter of fact, most of you as cat owners are familiar that that fully grown-up cat has an average IQ of a 2-3 year-old child. This makes them depend on you for all their needs and support.
  • You have to place their litter box in there: Cats are often not very comfortable with a litter box. This makes them feel vulnerable. However, your presence is likely to make them feel familiar and less vulnerable.
  • It could be due to separation anxiety: Cats are the lover of their owners and this hyper-attachment would put them in the cycle of separation anxiety in case of your absence. This could be leaving your cat on the sofa to just fetch the water on the other side of the table.
  • Due to their curiosity: we all know that cats and their curiosity are the great blend of two. This makes them sniff or just pop up every time your attention shifts to something else as well as making them take your every move.

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I am Swastika Subba, a research scholar and psychologist with a profound love for writing, art, and reading. My work spans counseling, art therapy, and contributions to various academic publications.