ATP Meaning In Text

What Does Atp Mean in Text – Learn What Does It Say!What Does Atp Mean in Text – Learn What Does It Say!


Abbreviations and slangs are evolving at rates that make it difficult for a common person to know it all. With great Gen-Z interventions slangs have become part of a daily conversation and some of them might leave you puzzled 🥴. If you have come across the text “ATP” you probably

BIPOC Meaning

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Racism and discrimination against people who are not white isn’t some new phenomena in U.S. history. Terms and campaigns have been propounded and led to fight against white supremacy, such as Black Lives Matter movement ✊🏾 One such similar term is “BIPOC”. You may have seen this somewhere on Instagram

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Celebrations are mostly about joy and togetherness, but not all. We celebrate days and dates for a purpose, most of them carrying a long history of struggle being carried forward through generations, keeping alive the memories and reasons. Certain days we celebrate to revive the dormant reasons, forgotten events and

NPC Meaning in Games

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Games cannot be played alone, or at least it’s fun if played alone whether it’s offline or online and thus most of the games come with an NPC– “Non-Playing Character”. This is a character which is not to be influenced by the actions of participating players in the game.  Their

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Being in a relationship could be a really beautiful time for a person, but being with someone who helps you grow and be a better person is what really matters. If you are in a relationship where constantly you are having self-doubt and low self-esteem it is possible that you

IYKYK Meaning in Text

IYKYK Meaning in Text: Understanding the Slang on InstagramIYKYK Meaning in Text: Understanding the Slang on Instagram


Do you as well like sometimes using words that only you and your certain people will understand? if so, then you would find it very useful to use this acronym “IYKYK” in the conversation with your friends or the person you selectively wanna infer some message to, although this sort